A little bit about me
For as long as I can remember, I’ve been a huge fan of fantasy. I love the limitless opportunities to just let my imagination run wild. Not even the sky is the limit! As a kid, I used to be obsessed with dragons and have a whole shelf full of (unfortunately quite chipped) dragon sculptures in my childhood bedroom. I’d always be drawn to books, series, and movies about dragons or set in fantastical worlds that I’d get to live vicariously in as the story played out.
My grandfather nurtured this fantastical fascination of mine by introducing books to me, which we’d often read together. From The Reluctant Dragon to The Wizard of Oz to The Hobbit to The Deltora Quest series, my love for fantasy grew with each book we read together, and so did my desire to create my own stories.
My Earliest Writing
I was about seven or eight years old, when I came up with my very first story, about a dragon and unicorn who were bust friends and would go on adventures in their hidden kingdom in the clouds. After a very rough draft, my grandfather helped me polish the story into a second draft, and about twenty years later, I dusted off the story and worked on it even more.
Throughout middle school and high school, I wrote the odd story here and there, and even wrote an entire novel length story that was supposed to be an origin story for a larger series. While this isn’t a series I plan to revisit, I am grateful for the experience I gained while working on them.
Current Projects
As of writing, I have two series planned out. Fractured Aeons is a young adult series revolving around two cousins join the Umbral Guard, which strictly controls all magic in the country, as they face off against arcane threats.
The Adventures of Starrie and Blizzard is about two best friends, a dragon and unicorn, who embark on a series of adventures and misadventures in their secret kingdom in the clouds.
Goals for the Coming Months
Within the next few months, I’m excited to finally get my work out there to the world! It’s been a long journey with lots of writing, even more editing, a pinch of doubt, and plenty of reinforcements from an amazing support network.