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You’ll also receive the first five chapters of my upcoming young adult fantasy novel, Wings of Ember.

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Who am I?

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been a huge fan of fantasy. I love the limitless opportunities to just let my imagination run wild. As a kid, I used to be obsessed with dragons and have a whole shelf full of (unfortunately quite chipped) dragon sculptures in my old bedroom in the US. I’d always be drawn to books, series, and movies about dragons or those set in fantastical worlds that I’d get to live vicariously in as the story played out.

My grandfather nurtured this fantastical fascination of mine by introducing books to me, which we’d often read together. From The Reluctant Dragon to The Wizard of Oz to The Hobbit to The Deltora Quest series, my love for fantasy grew with each book we read together. Since then, I’ve decided to create my own stories.

Subscribe to Mike's Writing Chronicles

Fantasy writer and author of "Wings of Ember." I talk about my books, writing struggles, self-publishing journey, and storytelling in general.


Aspiring author and fantasy fanatic. My upcoming YA fantasy novel Wings of Ember will be coming soon as well as my children's book, The Adventures of Starrie and Blizzard.